Wednesday, June 29, 2016

uTorrent Forum Faces A Massive Data Breach By Unknown Hackers

uTorrent created by Ludvig Strigeus and then acquired by BitTorren Inc has faced a serious attack from unknown hackers which led them to to steal details about their users, including password hashes. The uTorrent developer team runs a forum on their site where users can make requests, read announcements, or get in touch with the developers or each other quite easily.
Very soon after discovering the attack administrators of the uTorrent forums have published a security advisory on their site warning it’s users about the attack. It is yet unknown  about the type of data the attacker accessed and downloaded, but the uTorrent team is considering all passwords compromised, even if these were hashed to protect their content. uTorrent runs an IP.Board forum on the cloud-based service provided by Invision Power Services.
Below is the announcement made by the admin of uTorrent forum to it’s users :

This forum has more than 385,000 registered users. On June 1, Invision Power Services introduced a security update for the IP.Board forum platform, but it is currently unknown if this was the attacker’s entry point.

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