Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Anonymous Now Targets Stock Exchanges As OpIcarus Continues

The Anonymous operation that aimed to launch a barrage of DDoS attacks against the banking sector- OpIcarus has reached phase three, which is now calledOpMayhem (Fight Club reference) and is targeting stock exchanges all over the world. The group has successfully launched DDoS attacks against the NYSE Euronext Market, the London Stock Exchange, Nasdaq Baltic, the Philippines Stock Exchange, the Lao Security Exchange, the Turkey Stock Exchange , the Athens Exchange Group, and the Panama Stock Exchange.
The DDoS attack took place on June 2 and targeted the London Stock Exchange forced its website to stay offline for two hours. The group simply pointed to a link that listed all stock markets in the world in alphabetical order, according a statement uploaded on PasteBin. They added that they don’t have any particular list on mind to target.
Below is a YouTube video put out by the hackers, along with the tweets which was sent out through the first week of June via their official account.

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